Anyconnect 4.2 Download

After installing the packages above, go and download AnyConnect file from it’s Download location Once you have downloaded the AnyConnect VPN tarball, you can double-click to extract the folder downloaded folder or use the commands below to extract The current file should be named: anyconnect-linux64-4.7.03052-predeploy-k9.tar.gz. Cisco AnyConnect - Empower your employees to work from anywhere, on company laptops or personal mobile devices, at any time. AnyConnect simplifies secure endpoint access and provides the security necessary to help keep your organization safe and protected. Download anyconnect-win-4.2.00096-web-deploy-k9.exe, Size: 3.42 MB, File name: anyconnect-win-4.2.00096-web-deploy-k9.exe, Uploaded: 2016-07-20T08:32:47.000Z.

Cisco AnyConnect VPN software allows remote users and employees to securely connect to a Cisco VPN gateway running in an enterprise environment..

Employees use Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client to establish connectivity to a Cisco SSL VPN server, and if authentication is approved, the connected users or employees are grant access to internal resources..

This is a widely used and popular VPN server within enterprises and if you’re a Linux user who need help installing and using AnyConnect, this brief tutorial is going to show you how…

It shows you how to download and install AnyConnect using Ubuntu 18.04 or 16.04 desktop computers…

When you’re ready to install AnyConnect, follow the steps below:

This first thing you need to be aware of is not everyone can download Cisco AnyConnect VPN client… The software is available to customers with active AnyConnect Apex, Plus or VPN Only term/contracts..

You system / network administrator(s) may have to get login to Cisco’s portal and download the software for you… or provide you login to get in to the portal..

AnyConnect download location is at the link below:

Step 1: Install Prerequisites

Some packages will need to be install prior to install AnyConnect… Do that, run the commands below:

Step 2: Install AnyConnect VPN Client

After installing the packages above, go and download AnyConnect file from it’s Download location…

Once you have downloaded the AnyConnect VPN tarball, you can double-click to extract the folder downloaded folder or use the commands below to extract… The current file should be named: anyconnect-linux64-4.7.03052-predeploy-k9.tar.gz.


By default the file will be downloaded in your home folder ( /home/user/Downloads ), but typically the last used directory of the browser is where automatic downloads are placed…

Run the commands below to extract the downloaded file if you’re unable to double-click to extract….

tar xvf anyconnect-linux64-4.7.03052-predeploy-k9.tar.gz

After extracting, open the newly-extracted folder to find the VPN folder… Change into the VPN folder…

cd vpn

Right-click the file.

and select Run.

Use the GUI App to install the Cisco AnyConnect VPN client at the root level.

If you can’t install it via the GUI app, then run the commands below to install…

sudo ./

That will install Cisco AnyConnect VPN client for you…

Installing DART

To install Dart, follow the steps below:

First, open the dart. folder inside the newly-extract anyconnect folder…

Right-click the file.

Then select Run.

Use the GUI App to install the Cisco AnyConnect Diagnostic and Reporting Tool.

If the GUI installation doesn’t work, run the commands below to install it..

sudo .⁄

That should install AnyConnect for you including DART… After that, Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client should be ready to use..

Now all you have to do is launch it and connect to the VPN gateway…


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Program Information
Anyconnect-win-4.2 pkg download
Freeware (Free)

Cisco Anyconnect 4.2 Windows 10

11 KB
Windows (All Versions)
AnyConnect - connect to various online services with ease

Cisco Anyconnect Client 4.2 Download

Nowadays, the FTP protocol is the most used way of transferring and sharing files and folders over the Internet. The reason why FTP has become so popular is due to the fact that it has several advantages over other methods of sharing files, it's reliable, fast, easy to use and also accessible. But the simpleness of use is given by FTP software. The Windows operating system includes a command line FTP client, which is not accessible and difficult to use by most computer users. A very good alternative to this is the AnyConnect application.
This simple Windows program gives you access to any FTP site using a very simple and intuitive interface. But that's not all that AnyConnect can do, as it can also give you access to other online services, like SSH, Telnet Terminal and so on. Still, these services should be used by more advanced computer users. Installing AnyConnect is not difficult, nor is using the application.
After launching the program, the user will need to right click on the interface and add his preferred connection type. For example, when selecting the FTP server, the user just needs to enter the FTP server, username, password and port and the rest will be taken care of by the application.
When connecting to a FTP server, the user will be able to perform usual file and folder operations, like copy, move, delete and so on. Adding another type of protocol into the program's interface is not a difficult task, but attention should be payed when configuring the parameters for these type of protocols. That's because there are a lot of settings and options that should be configured in order for the protocol to function correctly.
A log windows can be displayed at any time, stating all the actions performed by the applications and allowing the user to spot any possible errors.
It allows you to connect to various protocols, like FTP, SSH, TELNET and so on, using a simple and intuitive interface. Besides that, the user can configure a lot of settings for each protocol type. Moreover, a log window can be displayed at any moment.
Fully using the program requires some knowledge regarding networks and servers.
AnyConnect allows you to easily connect to any FTP server and other wide-spread protocols, using an intuitive interface.
You can download AnyConnect free here.
About the author: Jerome Johnston

Anyconnect 4.2 Download

Jerome is a software review editor at and he likes to write about all that's new and interesting in the software industry. He has graduated from the Computer Science Faculty and he learned a lot about programming and Information Technology.
You can follow him on Google+, Facebook or Twitter

AnyConnect has been reviewed by Jerome Johnston on 28 Jun 2012. Based on the user interface, features and complexity, Findmysoft has rated AnyConnect 4 out of 5 stars, naming it Excellent