Blender Xr

Web productions or 3D creators, they can prepare 3D models.
However, animation and movement control, as well as lighting and collision processing, etc. Usually they need to ask development to outsourcing such as game companies. and also need to prepare storage place for public use.
But with, the story is different.

Blender Xr

Support core Blender development - Fast GPU skinning alternative for playblast / XR mocap Right now, blender has CPU armature skinning modifier - making it work well with other modifiers, but this seriously limits the performance of skinning. A 'GPU modifier' would not be able to feedback it's results to other modifiers, so it would need to be 'last in the stack'. Download free boeing d590 parts standards manual. XREXTwin32appcontainercompatible XREXTdebugutils While some of these extensions may start out as vendor-specific MSFT extensions, Microsoft and other OpenXR runtime vendors are working together to design cross-vendor EXT or KHR extensions for many of these feature areas.

Embedding WebXR in your page

All VR support in Blender will be based on OpenXR, the brand new specification for VR, AR, MR, etc - or short: XR. It is created by the Khronos group and has a huge number of supporters from all over the VR industry. It’s likely going to be the standard for VR/AR/MR/. Blender, a popular free open-source modeling and animation tool, just launched its 2.83 update, which brings basic VR support via the OpenXR API. The recent release lets users step into their 3D.

Simply place an Embed Tag to add Web3D content created with to your page or blog.

High-speed WebGL loading

The 3D objects are loaded step by step at your arbitrary timing. Since it is read while moving the content, if the initial data is suppressed, even rich content would be stress-free.

Virtual reality (VR)

VR works on the web. No expensive dedicated equipment is required. If you place your smartphone on inexpensive goggles, you can easily enable Virtual Reality. Number munchers.

Augmented reality (AR)

AR works on the web. No need to install a specialized app. Just set the editor of and AR (Augmented Reality) is as you like.

Detailed access analysis in bytes

WebGL-dedicated access analysis tool manages download log management of objects used in content in byte units.

Extend functionality by coding

You can call and move motions with JavaScript from your page side, and you can freely extend the functions.

3D content without loading stress appear on your page, If you send a request to the API with JavaScript, you can operate it freely from your page. Interactive 3D content becomes familiar quickly.

API Request Examples>

Upload a 3D model created in Blender. That's all it takes to publish on the web. Let's have a look at the tutorials to create WebXR by WebGL, which is essential for the modern web, at an amazing speed.

You can see how easy it is to create with the tutorial video>

Script design freely by pull-down selection or button click

No coding is required, and you can edit as you like with intuitive operations. Input operation is easy, but detailed settings are possible to meet the needs of creators. You can create Web3D for free as if you were touching it. A creative scripting tool that inspires your imagination and turns your inspiration into a design.

Activate a person (character) model created by a 3D tool such as Blender

Collision placement and object parent-child relationship construction for a person (character) model. Assign bone animations created with 3D tools such as Blender, adjust the degree of influence (weight), and create intuitive object animations. Gives the character fine movements such as creating keyframes. A motion creation tool that shapes your creativity.

Build a stage by firmly setting important light sources in 3D expression

Arrange collisions and light sources (lighting) for the building or indoor object model that will be the stage. It is also possible to import the lighting placed in Blender as it is, add or delete in the editor You can also change the properties. A stage creation tool that firmly meets the needs of 3D creators.

See> allows you to freely publish AR / VR / markerless AR 3D works on your web with WebGL technology.
You can freely operate 3D with API controlled by JavaScript.
Unlike Unity and Unreal, its development environment itself is completed on the Web, so it has a structure specialized for WebGL. The difference is clear even if the loading speed is very high.
Even if you create a 3D model using CG software such as Blender, with texturing, and make CG animation, you cannot publish it on the web unless WebGL technology. has abundant Viewers and Editors with WebGL technology to meet the needs of all creators.
Although it is a development platform designed for professional use for creators, if you export a 3D model from 3D modeling software such as Blender, you can develop it without coding.
In addition, because the structure is simple and specialized only for the Web, there is no unnecessary bloat of data size.
Blender xr tutorial
A free plug-in (Add-on) is required for Blender 2.8 or 2.9 or later when generating glTF (GLB) files.
glTF (GLB) renders with Physically-based shading (PBS), which is different from eevee and cycles.
Arrangement of lighting and collisions. Creating animations. Bone animation assignment.
Freely design the start control of motion and movement
Basic data such as modeling, texture and weight-adjusted bone animation for bones are created with 3D modeling software such as Blender. and WebGL provides web publishing and scripting control.

Blender Xr Tutorial
Create Your Own
WebGL for Free